Time and Date to be confirmed
I can't afford to pay but would still like to attend. Please book here:

Time and Date to be confirmed
I can't afford to pay but would still like to attend. Please book here:

Time and Date to be confirmed
I can't afford to pay but would still like to attend. Please book here:
Speed Friending Event
What to expect at our Speed Friending Session.
Have you ever gone to meet someone new at a cafe or pub and then realised you don’t get on, but can’t leave because it would be rude?
That is exactly why I came up with the idea of Speed Friending.
I really enjoy meeting people and finding out all about them, but we’re not going to click with everyone. But even though I know that, I’d still take it personally if someone said they were leaving early. So SF is the easy, fun and pain free solution.
You chat with each person for 5 minutes, then I ring a bell and then you have to move onto the next person, whether you click or not. No hurt feelings! You’ll each be wearing a name sticker and have a form to say yes, no or maybe on. No one else will see your answers. I then take all the yes no maybe forms at the end and will match up everyone over the following few days.
That way you don't get people contacting you and have to awkwardly agree to meet (out of politeness) even though you didn’t click. You only get matched up with the people that both agreed to the match on the yes no maybe forms.
If you struggle with talking to people, feel free to message me and I can use my Mind Mapping Magic to help with that. I want everyone to feel included and safe. I also have little question cards to get you all talking, so no awkward silences.
It’s win win for everyone.
And it’s fun.
I can’t wait to meet you.