What's your Business Avatar?

Who are you?
We already know that as a small business owner, you have courage and a wonderful sense of possibility and potential. But what’s stopping you from creating the business of your dreams?
You believe you can make it work or you wouldn’t be dreaming of success.
So what’s missing? What do you need?
More of YOU. You have the answers to all your company’s limits.
Imagine yourself a year from now, with a successful business that brings you joy every day. Imagine having delibterate intentions and actions, rather than random attempts that go nowhere. What if this quiz was the first step that set you on that path?
So lets see how the Business Avatar Quiz can help you be more YOU.
The business avatar quiz will help you discover what the issue is, what’s needed and bring back that excitement you had when you first started. Once you know what’s going on, you can bring back the joy and sense of freedom, that makes amazing things happen. But this time from a place of understanding, knowing and alignment.
You’ve got nothing to lose and potentially a thriving business to gain.
Business Avatar Quiz
The best way to know what to do about something, is to know exactly what the problem is in the first place.
Answer the following questions to find out what type of business owner you are.
Make a note of your answers in the box below
Question 1
When you have a new idea for your business,
what do you do?
A. Worry what people will think?
B. Talk about it for a couple of days and then do something else
C Make lots of canva posters and social media posts but forget
to post them
D Spend months trying to get it right and then keep tweeking it
E Get it done and send it out into the world
F Tell everyone my new plans
Question 2
How much planning do you do?
A Lots. I spend more time planning than doing
B I make lists but rarely get anything ticked off
C I plan in my head but never seem to have a pen or tablet handy
to write it down
D I plan everything and only tick things off when they are 100% done
E Just enough. I don’t want to spend too long on it
F I plan with everyone I meet to make sure people will like it
Question 3
Do you have a long term goal?
A Yes, but I have to fit everything round my partner and family
B I havent got to that stage yet
C I have several long term goals. I have big plans
D Yes and it stresses me out because there’s so much to do
E Yes I love to look at the long term then break it down into doable chuncks
F Yes I want to make as many connections as I can to reach as
many clients as possible
Question 4
If something’s difficult to impletment for your business,
how do you tackle it?
A I ask my friends to help me and then feel bad for taking up their time
B It’s best to do something else to distract muself or I’ll get too stressed
C Ignore it and wait till another way of doing it comes to me
D One small bit at a time until I’ve got it just right.
E One step at a time, being kind to my self if I don’t know something
F I ask for other peoples experiences
Question 5
How do you manage your time?
A I fit my work in around everyone else and wait till I get a change to
spend 5 minutes on it
B I dont. I have little concept of time when I’m trying to get things done
C I’m often late for things because I’ve got distracted by something else
D Everything is planned out and I must get it done in that timeframe
E I carve out chunks and then stick to them
F I work around my networking engagements
Question 6
How do you react to new opportunities?
A I have to discuss them with my friends or google what it might mean for me
B I’m usually too late to benefit from them
C I love them and brain storm how its going to work
D I ask lots of questions until I miss the opportunity
E I’m ready when they are
F I’m always up for new opportunities and dont like it when there’s
nothing going on
Question 7
How do you get on working with others?
A Really well but they usually come off better off than me
B People can get frustrated with me
C I dont work with them for very long because they dont inspire me
D I always seem to end up doing the most work
E I like it but sometimes its a distraction that I dont need
F Really well, I get my best ideas when I’m with other people
Question 8
What happens when something goes wrong or fails?
A I apologise and take responsibility
B I spend ages blaming myself which stops me from doing other things
C Not much. Tomorrow’s a new day
DI blame myself and spend ages trying to correct it
E I have different tactics that I’ve used before so I can fix it and learn from it
F Take a sensible break and then move onto the next thing as it wasn’t meant to be
Question 9
What do you do when you finish a project?
A I thank everyone for helping me
B I’m not sure. It doesnt happen very often
C Spend ages daydreaming about it and what will happen next
D I keep going back to it to look for mistakes and start things from scratch
E Pat myself of the back and get started on the next task
F Celebrate with friends
Question 10
How do you spend your work day?
A Helping others with their businesses and family commitments
B Youtube, Facebook, snacking, reorganising clothers or kids toys
C Doing weekly planners and looking at photo stock pictures
D Checking projects and making changes
E Going through each task on my checklist and getting them coompleted on time
F Meeting new people and discussing ideas