Exploring Procrastination
Here my friend, who agreed to do a demo session for this course, explores the reasons he hasn't started his dream of having his own podcast.
The procrastination course is a self taught course and doesn't include 1-1 sessions, but I have shared this here, so you can see how I work.​
In this Procrasitnation course we’ll explore the 5 main causes that get in the way of what you want to achieve.
We’ll explore how to turn your limitations into strengths, opportunities, and successes. I’ll teach you how to take charge of your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and actions, so that you can create the life you want, instead of the life you were handed.
I’ll keep you engaged by delivering your modules weekly. Each module is organised to help you move through them easily, with no confusion or overwhelm.
Included are free weekly group YouGrow Workshops on zoom, so that we can set you up to succeed.
Unfortunately this course is not for you..
If you have unprocessed trauma, ptsd, or intense, overwhelming emotions.
If this is you, I can help with my 1-1 sessions.
This course is for you..
If you enjoy exploring your emotions.
If you like being a part of a community (optional).
If you are ready to improve your life. Sign up below and we’ll do this together.

The is a short, easy to digest course delivered to you via email. It will keep you engaged, so that you can break free of procrastination and get proactive.
This course includes free weekly group workshops that you can join at any point throughout the process, so that we can set you up to succeed. Or you can just move through the course by yourself in your own time.
The course is usually £75, but if you sign up now you'll get access to it all for FREE.

The Think more Clearly newsletter arrives in your inbox weekly, to get you thinking differently.
We tend to just go about our days on autopilot, using the same strategies we have been using since we were little. The problem with that is, we came up with some ineffective strategies when we were young and created some big feelings that can cloud our thinking.
This email will open your mind to new possibilities and a more solid understanding of your world.