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Life Designer

Business or life you can have both

Do you ever feel like you’re not quite getting life right? 

Are you constantly juggling between working too hard and neglecting your family or not working enough and not having the money to enjoy life with your loved ones? If so, this is for you.

Let’s explore how your life and business are set up, so we can find ways to increase your fulfillment in life.
This one session will set you on the right path to determine your work life balance. This session is a follow on to the Business Builder package. There we dealt with all the anchors that were stopping you from doing what you needed to do. So now you can concentrate on developing a proactive plan, to ensure your business grows and your personal life flourishes. 

We will:

Know yourself better and gain new perspectives to gain new ideas and use anchor techniques to anchor inspiratation, that will keep you engaged with your work and fulfulled in your life.

Find out where you stand in relation to your personal life, family life, loves, friends and work, so that you can take care of you and them, in a way that suits you best. 

Gain clarity and make positively impactful decisions and choices, for your work and your personal life. 

Learn to listen to your heart, head and gut, so that you can follow your passions, use your instinctual compass effectively and know which directions you need to go in. 
And we will:

Work out how you can earn in your sleep and delegate your tasks, so you can spend your days doing the parts of your job you love the most. This will allow you to work the hours you desire, rather than working every hour of every day. We will work out how this is possible together.

Discover energy sources that you didn’t know you had access to, using the power of drive for love and money to boost your life.

Work out how to maximise your work time, so that you can prioritise your highest values in life. We will use your timeline and different perspectives of your life, to ensure you dont waste any more time. 

£225 per session

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